Blog Post: Pain Reprocessing Therapy


by Shari Schwarz, Yoga Therapist, C-IAYT

Are you tired of being in pain? So was I.

About two years ago, with no preceding injury but a lot of stress, sciatica knocked me off my feet with a searing 9/10 constant pain coursing through my right leg, making basic tasks like walking to the bathroom or to the kitchen an ordeal. For two weeks, I was practically bedridden.

I turned to every possible solution: multiple doctors, two PTs, three massage therapists, acupuncture, yoga teachers, and even Reiki. I tried different drugs prescribed or supplements suggested to me, but nothing touched the pain for more than a few minutes or so. Friends and family offered advice. X-rays, imaging, and nerve tests didn’t reveal anything significant. Short-lived relief came from a couple of different treatments, but the pain always returned with a vengeance.

Although I was devastated and learned a lot about pain, a glimmer of hope remained. I felt a deep conviction that the key to relief was somehow within me. Over the next two months, I consumed information on pain and sciatica. And then, a game-changer: I stumbled upon a podcast featuring Dr. Howard Schubiner, who discussed a technique called Pain Reprocessing Therapy. Listening to him; everything clicked.

Today, I share this story not just as a testament to my own journey but as a beacon of hope for others who live with chronic or persistent pain and have tried EVERYTHING!

Understanding Pain Reprocessing Therapy:

At its core, research-based Pain Reprocessing Therapy is a highly effective technique based on the premise that we now know that pain is created in the brain. Take phantom limb pain for instance. You don’t even need a limb for the brain to create pain! PRT is about re-teaching our brains and our minds how to think about or process pain. Imagine your brain is like a record player, sometimes it can get stuck on a section of the record playing the "pain song" on repeat. PRT helps you tune into a different, more pleasant track using the neuroplasticity of the brain.

Breaking It Down:

  1. Learning About Pain: First, we learn that pain isn't always about something being wrong in our body. Sometimes, especially for those of us who are hyperaware, it's just our brain playing tricks on us. Our brain interprets neutral sensations in the body, like pressure for instance, as a danger signal and then creates pain. But sometimes pressure, like during a massage, is pleasurable.

  2. Facing the Fear: Pain is increased by fear, frustration, and fixation. Through this therapy, we slowly and gently start facing the things that hurt. This helps the brain see that the pain often isn't as scary as it thought.

  3. Thinking Differently: We practice thinking about pain in new ways and releasing fear and worry, guided by a trained PRT therapist, through different techniques like imagining peaceful scenes, focusing on the present moment, or somatic tracking (internally following sensations to see how they shift or change over time). The process is simple and non-invasive and is with you wherever you go!

Why Try PRT?

  1. Fewer Pills: With PRT, you might not need pain meds, which means less worry about those annoying side effects.

  2. Feel More in Control: By understanding the brain’s and the mind's role in pain, you can take back the driver's seat on your journey to healing.

  3. All About You: It's a personal approach, looking at your thoughts and feelings, and helping you find a better, approachable way to deal with pain.

In a Nutshell:

Pain Reprocessing Therapy is like giving your brain a gentle nudge and saying, "Hey, let's look at this differently." If you've been struggling with pain and nothing seems to work, this might just be the fresh start you've been searching for. Remember, always chat with your doctor or therapist about what's best for you. Here's to hope and healing!

Shari Schwarz is certified in Pain Reprocessing Therapy and is a Yoga Therapist, C-IAYT. Explore how pain can change or even disappear altogether for you! Shari offers a 6-week package or a 12-week package utilizing Gentle Somatic Yoga and Pain Reprocessing Therapy along with mindfulness, breathwork, and guided meditation as a powerful combination of caring for and reprocessing your pain.

Check out any podcast by Dr. Howard Schubiner on Pain Reprocessing Therapy or the website: to find out more!



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