Blog Post: Business Launch!


Top 3 Things:

  1. New launch of my business

  2. Relief for Chronic Pain

  3. Adaptive Chair Yoga classes

Nov 11, 2023

  1. Exciting Announcement!

Welcome to my Yoga Therapy business launch party, complete with free content, discounted Yoga Therapy packages,  and a new website! There, you’ll find an explanation of what I offer after completing three years of training to become a Yoga Therapist and an Adaptive Yoga Specialist. What does that mean? Explore my website to learn more about what I do now. Let me know if you have any questions and THANK YOU for your support! 

2. Do you or someone you love suffer from chronic pain?

I am newly certified in Pain Reprocessing Therapy (separate from my Yoga training). I discovered PRT when I was in severe sciatica pain for months, and it helped me totally release my pain. Now I am so excited to see the benefits of PRT bring deep relief to my clients. Please know that if you’ve been in pain and you’ve tried everything, this may be a simple, research-based therapy that can completely erase years and decades of pain! I’m offering the first three clients to sign up a significant discount: Choose the 6-week Healing package for $395 (normally $495) or the 12-week Nurture package for $770 (normally $895). Find out what is involved in these packages here. Or schedule a Discovery Call with me to find out more! Email me at:

3. Adaptive Chair Yoga

Some of you already know that I run an Adaptive Yoga program with Jennifer Atkins who is the owner of Adaptive Yoga Specialist. We teach live classes online via Zoom every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and in-person on Wednesdays from 1:00pm to 2:15pm for people with movement limitations or neuromuscular disorders like Parkinson’s, MS, TBI, Stroke etc. Check out our program at the above link! The first week is free! I also teach at a few other places in Ft. Collins or virtually, so if you know of anyone, ANYWHERE who could benefit from functional movement from a chair, please let me know! There is so much healing that can be done with this amazing, research-based program of mindful movement, breathwork, strengthening, stretching, balance, and deep relaxation.

Join me for my Yoga Therapy business launch here on my website or on social media for free content: Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube!

Contact me with any questions and THANK YOU for your support!


Shari Schwarz

Yoga Therapist, C-IAYT


Blog Post: Adaptive Yoga Class Options


Blog Post: Pain Reprocessing Therapy